Curso de Português para Estrangeiros
Meus agradecimentos à Interlingua.
Agradeço à coordenadora Rose, pois ela foi peça chave na escolha do Instituto que ia me dar aulas de português, simplesmente me chamando em casa para marcar o inicio das aulas. Gostei.
No primeiro dia, fui muito bem recebida pela Patrícia, com carinho e cuidado, respondendo cada pergunta, sempre com um sorriso no rosto. Quero parabenizar essas pessoas pelo profissionalismo impecável.
Parabéns para minha professora amada, Jane, com quem compartilhei muitas experiências durante um ano e meio, dentro e fora da escola. Obrigada pela paciência, pela disponibilidade, pela ótima preparação do exame Celpe-Bras (quase consegui o nível avançado!), pelas explicações, pelas músicas, pela cultura brasileira. Muitas coisas que vi durante as aulas, vi de novo na minha vida cotidiana. Tudo faz sentindo agora. Muito obrigada por todo amor, carinho, dedicação.
Meus sinceros agradecimentos a todas!
Valérie Caroline Denglos (da França)
"Hi to you all from a windy and yet sunny South Africa!!
I would like to start by just thanking Elaine, my Portuguese teacher and the
school for the opportunity to have studied this wonderful language. I
enjoyed this although it was a heavy and difficult task. My home language
is Afrikaans and in our country we have eleven (onze) different languages!
Most of our people speak two and English is my second language. So learning
to speak yours is not easy.
It was great fun going to shops and malls and especially the feira (market )
and buy my vegetables, fruit, fresh fish and meat every week with Elaine
because she taught me so much of the language most of your people speak in
the streets. She taught me the formal side as well but being in the
"street" taught me quite a lot and made me understood your culture and way
of living more. It was such a wonderful experience which I will always
treasure and I miss Brasil very much.
I was fortunate to have a second teacher, Priscilla, and I was her student
in the evenings. Even had the opportunity to listen to your music and
complete phrases in the songs! Quite challenging! I learned many verbs and
sentences too. I also enjoyed being with her and she taught me so much and
she is an excellent teacher. I miss her!
I would however like to challenge all of you to learn to speak English.
English is very close to Portuguese and quite important if you ever travel
or work in places like tourism or the Airport of just want to study abroad.
Most importantly it is good and fun to have the knowledge and be able to
speak more than one language. Remember studying is not to impress your
teacher or parents! Do this for yourself!
Interlingua is a school with many opportunities and you are so privilege to
be able to study and have wonderful and patient teachers! Make use of this
because there are many people out in the world that would love to have the
chance to study! God gave us all this as gifts so do make good use of this
and make Him proud! We are all His children and obey Him always because you
are blessed and live in a blessed country!
I would like to thank God for Elaine and Pricilla. For spending so much time
with me and it is such a pity that I am no longer able to communicate with
Brazileiros more frequently and being able to speak fluently!
Be proud and work hard! Enjoy each other and treasure your blessings!
Remember Jesus is only good and loves you very much!"
Yolanda Niemann